About Me

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I'm a 32 year old Technical support adviser for a major electronics company. During my off time, to calm my nerves from hearing complaints all day, I focus on my craft. You can visit my store at http://www.etsy.com/store/nwpapercraft

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back from long respite.

Hello and welcome back from my sabbatical. I've not given up with my papercraft and I've gotten some exciting new builds for you. One of my co-workers was such a fan of my work that he bought the lovely Morgan sisters from Dark Stalkers!

He is very happy with his works!
You can get Morrigan and Lillith: Here
The original post is found: Here, but the original poster is no longer available. 

for an update, Unfortunately, Spider-man and Venom have succumbed to the ravages of experimentation. Currently I'm working on a way to seal and make these papercrafts withstand the test of time. I'm very close to perfecting the technique.