About Me

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I'm a 32 year old Technical support adviser for a major electronics company. During my off time, to calm my nerves from hearing complaints all day, I focus on my craft. You can visit my store at http://www.etsy.com/store/nwpapercraft

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's Venom time !

One of the more difficult papercrafts I've done is Spiderman's nemisis, and my personal favorate anti-hero....


I want to eat your brains!

Yes, he is guarding a hellraiser cube. 

So as you know, the biggest thing with him is his teeth. They took me almost 2hrs to cut and circle them all. The sheen on his skin was a spray lamination that failed miseralbly. The models I tried to stiffen up flopped bad. I had to make sure they were laying the proper way till they dried. 

When spraying these guys remember..... LIGHT DUSTING!

and many many many coats!

You can find Venom here
This was designed by MarianoDG
Very talented designer and this model is great. I hope you have as much fun with it as I have with this guy!

My Next post will have some great pictures of our hero. The web head himself!


~ Olucon. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My First post!

Hello one and all on the interwebs!

I am Olucon (not my real name, but i'm old school and like my handle, deal with it!). I'm making this blog because i'm working on an old/new art-form called papercraft.

There are quite a few resources out there for this wonderful art-form, but I feel I can add something more to it.

My goal is this - I"m going to complete one model a week and provide links to the artist's files. I know it seems tired and overdone, but I've found that sometimes it's rather difficult to find the patterns when I go to certain sites. If this is the case, then I will rapidshare the files myself and help the artist distribute them.

I am not stealing these documents (I want to make this clear) I did not design any of these myself and they are all done by the artist. I will not alter or claim credit to any of these works of art unless they are ones I design.

One of my goals is to learn how to master 3d art and create models of my own interests.

Personally i think the cast of Queen's Blade, Tekken, and quite a few obscure anime and TV would be great, but it's rather hard to find specific ones.

When I do start designing them, i"m more than happy to take requests and share the knowledge.

So without further adu... This is one of the first models made!

Model: SDF-1: Cruser Mode
Artest: Thunderchild
Download: Here (Website is in Spanish, use google chrome to translate the site)

This is my pride and joy... Not one of the first models I made, but truly a milestone in my fledgling career. This model is the infamous SUPER DIMENSIONAL FORTRESS - 1 from the MACROSS series, otherwise known as ROBOTECH!

I used standard paper and chose not to use card stock. I've tried 100wt paper and I've found that it's more difficult to fold the small details on card stock.

Time it took me to finish this was well over 2 weeks. I was not devoting my full attention, as I only had breaks and lunches to work on it, but it sits proudly at my desk and co-workers always are impressed with the detail.

I think later on, I'll re-make it, I'm annoyed that the details are a little off-centered and the arms sag a bit, but i'm OCD about things like that. I do want to make the battleoid version as well, but that's something to do later.

That's it for today. I plan on opening up discussions about techniques and models to the masses, and help newcomers to the craft find out how fun and inexpensive this simple hobby can be.

- Olucon